Community Outreach
The members of the Mariemont Police Department believe in a community oriented form of policing. They are constantly working to build and strengthen their relationship with the community. Listed below are a few of the outreach programs that the Mariemont Police Department utilizes to better serve the community.
Vacation Home Check forms are available at the Mariemont Police Department.
Copies of any reports are available upon request at the Mariemont Police Department.
Request for No Parking signs can be made at the Mariemont Police Department.
Click it or Ticket
Driver Safety
Drug Take Back
Safety Services Night Out
Warrior Coalition
Safe Routes to School
Public Education
School Resource Officer
School Evacuation and Lockdown Drills
Elderly Well-Being Checks
SMART Trailer/Traffic Studies
Employment / Background Fingerprinting
Residential Key Program
Vehicle Lock-Out Assistance
Gun Lock Program
Coyotes in the Village
It is well known that coyotes live in the south 80 Mariemont gardens. Many times a year, the Officers receive calls from concerned villagers who see or hear a coyote. Coyotes breed during the months of January and February. In April and May, when the pups are born, coyotes become more visible and vocal, as the adults are hunting for food at all hours of the day. Normally, coyotes are considered nocturnal, hunting at night, but in a secure environment, they will hunt during the day. Coyotes are omnivorous, meaning they will eat what is available to them, such as small mammals (voles, shrews, rabbits, and mice), vegetables, nuts and carrion. Unchecked, they will eat livestock, particularly sheep and chickens.
As a villager, what do I need to know or do to prevent a coyote attack? What does the VIllage do to control the coyote population?
Coyotes are timid around humans. It is rare for a coyote to attack a human. Known attacks to humans are associated with the animal being rabid. Domestic animals should be monitored, especially during the early morning and evening hours. Smaller dogs and cats are more likely to be attacked. During those hours villagers should keep their dogs leshed while walking in the south 80 to prevent the coyotes from luring the dog in for attach.
Education is the key to understanding these animals. It is strongly recommended that if you see or hear a coyote in your area, to watch your dogs, cats. Research coyotes on your own to better understand them. The link above to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Wildlife Division, is a great website to check out. Teach your children about them. As a property owner, do your part to not attract them (keep garbage secured, do not put pet food outside, watch animals outside).
Monogamous– Male and female pair for life
Peak breeding is from January thru March
Litter size is 1 to 12 pups
Young are born April—May and leave den around 3 weeks
Dens are dug under uprooted trees, logs or thickets, with an entrance of 1-2 feet across, about 5-15 feet long, terminating with an enlarged chamber. May have several dens and move from one to another
Are territorial and very protective of young
Very wary, with remarkable sense of smell and exceptional sight