"Committed to Excellence"

The Mariemont Police Department is located within the Municipal & Safety Building, 6907 Wooster Pike Mariemont, Ohio 45227. It is a full service police department, with highly trained police officers on duty 24 hours a day for the protection of citizens, businesses, and their property. The police department's non-emergency phone number is (513) 271-4089.
The police department is composed of several divisions. The majority of the staff is assigned to the Patrol Division. The Patrol Division is overseen by the Administrative Division and supported by the Investigative and Training Divisions. The department has officers assigned to the Hamilton County Police Associations Dive Team, Pipes and Drums Unit and Honor Guard. The department also has a School Resource Officer assigned to the Mariemont High School.
The Mariemont Police Department is proud to be a certified with the Ohio Collaborative Community Police Advisory Board.